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Social media and email marketing are wonderful tools that small businesses can utilize to spread awareness about their offerings, build relationships with their audiences, and garner some much-needed social proof that their business is legit and awesome BUT...


If you are posting on social media day after day with no plan, wondering if you are "doing it right," you probably aren't getting the results that you want out of that work. If you aren't emailing potential customers, you aren't establishing new relationships.

Image by Timothy Hales Bennett

Social Media and Email Marketing as marketing strategies only work if there is a strategy in place.

What I provide:

Lindsey Oaks Social Media Management

Advocate Plans start at $1800/month. 

Capabilities include: 

- Copywriting

- Graphic Design

- Hashtag Use

- Community Engagement

- Account Optimization


Take back hours of time and effort spent on social media and email marketing and put them back into your business! Let's start with a free consultation by clicking the button below. 

Let’s Work Together

Lindsey Oaks


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©2023 by Lindsey Oaks Personal Branding.

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